Brooke's Chicken Salad Recipe (Food for Life)

Ronnie and I challenged each other to a Food for Life Cook-Off. For this cook, we use one of our favorite brands, Food for Life Baking Company, to create some special dishes that we can share with everyone. We created three different categories/ rounds: 

1.     Gourmet breakfast – A fun breakfast meal that is “jazzed” up a bit;

2.     Back to the basics – A classic meal using the Food for Life product in its original form;

3.     Thinking outside the box – Using the Food for Life products in a different form than they are originally intended for. 


Why We Chose Food for Life Baking Co. 

Food for Life products is easy to stand behind as they are one of the healthiest options for their food types. A majority of the products use sprouted grains and are certified organic. They don’t use any genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or artificial ingredients, preservatives, shortening, or refined sugars. They also use a unique slow-bake process that helps to preserve the natural fibers and bran befits of the grains, making the products a much healthier option. That is why we chose to shift to a better bread with Food for Life!

Why I Choose Chicken Salad

For my “back to the basics” round, I chose to make chicken salad. See the recipe below to try out this yummy and super easy recipe. 

Perhaps one of the most versatile dishes is the classic chicken salad. This feel-good meal was always a household stable in my family growing up. We used to joke to my dad that he can live off of chicken salad alone, seriously. I love making it coincide with the seasons. Right now in Florida, it’s hot and humid so I’m going to use refreshing ingredients that have natural sugar and water content. 

Is it Spring? Is it Summer? Is it Fall?

Summer temperatures brought out the pineapple juice to cook with the chicken, grapes, and celery. To stay with our back-to-the-basics theme, I am going to run with this small but powerful list of whole foods.


  • 2 slices of Food for Life Bread (found in the frozen section at the grocery store);

  • 2 chicken breasts;

  • 1 can of pineapple juice;

  • Grapes;

  • Celery;

  • Mayo;

  • Garlic Powder;

  • Salt and Pepper;


  • Crock Pot



  1. Place chicken in the crockpot with pineapple juice on low for five hours or until chicken is fully cooked;

  2. Remove any pineapple pieces (if desired) while letting cool;

  3. Place in the refrigerator overnight;

  4. When ready, cut up celery and grapes into desired shapes and sizes;

  5. Add chicken, celery, and grapes in a large mixing bowl;

  6. Add mayo, garlic powder, salt, and pepper and mix it all up;

  7. Apply chicken salad to the bread;

  8. ENJOY!

-       Brooke

Check out Ronnie’s “Back to the Basics” recipe here.

Check out the full Chicken Salad recipe video below


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Brooke's French Toast Recipe (Food for Life)